In progress, studio at the Montello Foundation, Montello, NV
In progress, studio at the Montello Foundation, Montello, NV

The spectrograph of birdsong inspires these works. Natural materials were collected and bundle dyed to create dissipating patterns resembling the sparrow trill sonic landscape of the sagebrush-covered basin and range. Sagebrush, Castilleja (Indian paintbrush), milk vetch, flax, wild buckwheat, lots of desert dandelion, rusty metal, larkspurs, fleabane, and madder root and logwood extract I brought with me.

In progress, studio at the Montello Foundation, Montello, NV
In progress, studio at the Montello Foundation, Montello, NV

The spectrograph of birdsong inspires these works. Natural materials were collected and bundle dyed to create dissipating patterns resembling the sparrow trill sonic landscape of the sagebrush-covered basin and range. Sagebrush, Castilleja (Indian paintbrush), milk vetch, flax, wild buckwheat, lots of desert dandelion, rusty metal, larkspurs, fleabane, and madder root and logwood extract I brought with me.

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